Nuxt 3 Dynamic Page After Refresh Redirect to 404? Don’t Panic! Here’s the Fix!
Image by Elanna -

Nuxt 3 Dynamic Page After Refresh Redirect to 404? Don’t Panic! Here’s the Fix!

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Have you ever encountered an issue where your Nuxt 3 dynamic page redirects to a 404 page after a refresh? You’re not alone! This frustrating problem has puzzled many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solution.

What causes this issue?

Before we dive into the fix, let’s quickly understand what’s causing this problem. In Nuxt 3, when you create a dynamic page using the `$nuxt.generate()` method, the generated HTML file doesn’t contain the necessary metadata for the page. This metadata is crucial for Nuxt to correctly route the request after a refresh.

When you refresh the page, Nuxt tries to fetch the metadata from the generated HTML file, but since it’s not there, it defaults to a 404 page. This is because Nuxt can’t find the necessary information to render the page correctly.

The Solution: Using `getStaticProps` and `getServerSideProps`

The solution lies in using `getStaticProps` and `getServerSideProps` methods in your Nuxt 3 page component. These methods allow you to pre-render your page and provide the necessary metadata for Nuxt to correctly route the request after a refresh.

Here’s an example of how you can use `getStaticProps` to fix the issue:

export default {
  async getStaticProps({ params }) {
    return {
      props: {
        // Your page data here

In this example, `getStaticProps` is used to pre-render the page and provide the necessary metadata for Nuxt. The `params` object contains the dynamic route parameters, which you can use to fetch the necessary data for your page.

If you’re using server-side rendering (SSR), you can use `getServerSideProps` instead:

export default {
  async getServerSideProps({ req, res, params }) {
    return {
      props: {
        // Your page data here

Using `nuxt generate` with `getStaticProps`

When using `nuxt generate` to generate static HTML files, you need to ensure that `getStaticProps` is called during the generation process. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your `nuxt.config.js` file:

export default {
  target: 'static',
  generate: {
    fallback: true,

In this example, `fallback: true` tells Nuxt to use `getStaticProps` when generating the static HTML files.

Common Gotchas

When using `getStaticProps` and `getServerSideProps`, there are a few common gotchas to keep in mind:

  • Make sure to return an object with a `props` property: When using `getStaticProps` or `getServerSideProps`, you need to return an object with a `props` property that contains the necessary data for your page.
  • Avoid using async operations in `getStaticProps`: Since `getStaticProps` is called during the generation process, you should avoid using async operations that might block the generation process.
  • Use `getServerSideProps` only for SSR: `getServerSideProps` is only applicable when using server-side rendering (SSR). Make sure to use the correct method depending on your rendering strategy.


In conclusion, the solution to the infamous “Nuxt 3 dynamic page after refresh redirect to 404” issue lies in using `getStaticProps` and `getServerSideProps` methods in your Nuxt 3 page component. By pre-rendering your page and providing the necessary metadata, you can ensure that Nuxt correctly routes the request after a refresh.

Remember to keep in mind the common gotchas and adjust your approach according to your rendering strategy. With this solution, you’ll be able to create dynamic pages in Nuxt 3 that behave as expected, even after a refresh!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Here are some frequently asked questions that might help:

Question Answer
What’s the difference between `getStaticProps` and `getServerSideProps`? `getStaticProps` is used for static site generation (SSG), while `getServerSideProps` is used for server-side rendering (SSR).
Can I use `getStaticProps` with SSR? No, `getStaticProps` is only applicable for SSG. Use `getServerSideProps` for SSR instead.
How do I handle errors in `getStaticProps`? You can use `catch` blocks to handle errors in `getStaticProps`. Make sure to log the error and return a default props object to avoid breaking the generation process.

By following the instructions and explanations in this article, you should be able to fix the “Nuxt 3 dynamic page after refresh redirect to 404” issue and create dynamic pages that work as expected. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with Nuxt 3 dynamic page redirects to 404 after refresh? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Below are some frequently asked questions and their solutions to help you navigate this issue.

Why does my Nuxt 3 dynamic page redirect to 404 after refresh?

This issue usually occurs when Nuxt 3 can’t find a matching route for the dynamic page. Make sure you’ve defined the route correctly in your `pages` directory and that the file name matches the route path. Also, ensure that your `nuxt.config.js` file is properly configured to handle dynamic routes.

How do I define a dynamic route in Nuxt 3?

In Nuxt 3, you can define a dynamic route by using the `_` prefix in your file name. For example, if you want to create a dynamic route for users, you would create a file called `_id.vue` in your `pages/users` directory. This will allow Nuxt to generate a route for each user ID.

Do I need to add any special configuration to my `nuxt.config.js` file for dynamic routes?

Yes, you’ll need to add the `generate` property to your `nuxt.config.js` file and set `fallback: true` to enable dynamic routes. This will allow Nuxt to generate static HTML files for your dynamic routes.

Can I use Nuxt 3’s built-in `router` module to handle dynamic routes?

Yes, Nuxt 3’s built-in `router` module provides a `params` property that allows you to access dynamic route parameters. You can use this to create custom route handlers for your dynamic routes.

What if I’m still having issues with dynamic routes after trying the above solutions?

If you’re still experiencing issues, try checking the Nuxt 3 documentation and GitHub issues for similar problems. You can also try debugging your application using the Nuxt 3 debug module to see where the issue is occurring. If all else fails, consider reaching out to the Nuxt 3 community for further assistance.

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