Do Dismissed RDS Recommendations Become Active Again if They Reoccur?
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Do Dismissed RDS Recommendations Become Active Again if They Reoccur?

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As an AWS user, you’re likely familiar with the importance of optimized resource utilization and cost-effectiveness. That’s where RDS (Relational Database Service) recommendations come in – providing valuable insights to help you fine-tune your database performance. But what happens when you dismiss those recommendations? Do they magically reappear if the same issues reoccur? Let’s dive in and find out!

What are RDS Recommendations?

RDS recommendations are auto-generated suggestions provided by AWS to help you optimize your RDS instances. These recommendations are based on AWS’s vast experience and machine learning algorithms, which analyze your database usage patterns and identify potential bottlenecks.

There are several types of RDS recommendations, including:

  • Instance type change: Suggestions for upgrading or downgrading your instance type to better match your workload.
  • Storage optimization: Recommendations for resizing or adjusting your storage configuration to reduce costs.
  • Performance optimization: Tips for improving query performance, indexing, and other database tweaks.
  • Security and compliance: Alerts for security vulnerabilities and compliance issues, along with recommended fixes.

What Happens When You Dismiss RDS Recommendations?

When you dismiss an RDS recommendation, it’s essentially archived and no longer appears in your AWS Management Console. However, this doesn’t mean the underlying issue is resolved; it simply means you’ve acknowledged the recommendation and chosen not to take action.

Here’s what happens when you dismiss an RDS recommendation:

  1. The recommendation is removed from your console.
  2. The recommendation is archived and can be viewed in the “Dismissed Recommendations” section.
  3. The underlying issue is not automatically resolved; it’s up to you to address it manually.

Do Dismissed RDS Recommendations Become Active Again if They Reoccur?

The short answer is: it depends. If the same issue reoccurs, the recommendation might reappear, but not always. Here are some scenarios to consider:

Scenario Will the Recommendation Reappear?
Identical issue reoccurs (e.g., same instance type, same storage configuration) Yes, the recommendation will reappear.
Similar issue reoccurs, but with slight variations (e.g., different instance type, similar storage configuration) Maybe, the recommendation might reappear, but it’s not guaranteed.
Underlying issue is resolved, but new issues arise (e.g., improved instance type, but new storage concerns) No, a new recommendation will appear, focusing on the new issue.

As you can see, the recommendation reappears only if the exact same issue reoccurs. If you’ve addressed the underlying issue or made changes to your RDS instance, the recommendation won’t automatically reappear. However, new recommendations might emerge, highlighting other areas for optimization.

Best Practices for Managing RDS Recommendations

To get the most out of RDS recommendations, follow these best practices:

  • Regularly review recommendations: Set aside time to review and address RDS recommendations regularly.
  • Implement changes incrementally: Apply recommended changes incrementally, monitoring their impact on your database performance.
  • Keep your RDS instance up-to-date: Ensure your instance is running the latest software and patches to minimize potential issues.
  • Monitor database performance: Keep a close eye on your database performance, using tools like Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail.
  • Dismiss recommendations thoughtfully: Only dismiss recommendations after thoroughly evaluating their relevance and impact on your database.
Remember, RDS recommendations are meant to be actionable insights, not annoyances to be dismissed. By following these best practices, you'll be well on your way to optimizing your RDS instance and ensuring top-notch database performance.


In conclusion, dismissed RDS recommendations might reappear if the same issue reoccurs, but it’s not a guarantee. By understanding how RDS recommendations work and following best practices, you can unlock the full potential of your RDS instance and maximize its performance and cost-effectiveness.

So, the next time you receive an RDS recommendation, remember: it’s an opportunity to fine-tune your database and take your AWS experience to the next level!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on recurring RDS recommendations and what happens when they come back around!

Will dismissed RDS recommendations automatically become active again if they reoccur?

The short answer is no, dismissed RDS recommendations won’t automatically reactivate if they reoccur. You’ll need to review and reassess them to decide whether to implement the recommendation again or dismiss it once more.

Why don’t dismissed RDS recommendations become active again if they reoccur?

This design ensures that you, the user, remain in control of your RDS instance’s configuration. Dismissed recommendations are intentionally ignored, and reoccurring recommendations require your explicit review and approval to ensure the changes align with your instance’s specific needs.

Can I configure my RDS instance to automatically reapply dismissed recommendations if they reoccur?

Currently, there isn’t an option to automatically reapply dismissed recommendations in RDS. The system is designed to prioritize your explicit control and oversight, ensuring that any changes to your instance’s configuration are intentional and deliberate.

What if I’ve previously dismissed an RDS recommendation, but now I want to reapply it?

If you’ve previously dismissed an RDS recommendation but now want to reapply it, you can simply review the reoccurring recommendation and choose to implement it. This process allows you to reassess the recommendation in light of any changes to your instance’s configuration or requirements.

Are there any situations where RDS recommendations might automatically become active again?

No, there aren’t any situations where RDS recommendations will automatically become active again if they’ve been explicitly dismissed. The RDS system prioritizes your control and oversight, ensuring that any changes to your instance’s configuration are intentional and deliberate.

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